Marc Leclair - Operations Executive

Entrepreneurial innovation through business excellence.

Electronic Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Product Design, QA, & Logistics

Currently available for hire & consultation

My Background

Computer manufacturer for 1st responder industry trying to scale up production

While working to improve performance of supply chain and production, I demonstrated and proved that the business’s cash-flow issues we caused by underperforming sales, not production bottlenecks. To accomplish this, I had to develop process metrics going back three plus years, showing the financial health and cyclical nature of the business. Developed financial metrics that reported profit & loss in a more timely and accurate fashion compared to previous methods. Improved the calculations for income and expenses, showing the business was at only break-even performance and quick decisive action was necessary.

Preserved cash-on-hand by terminating projects with poor ROI.

Camera manufacturer preparing for merger/acquisition

Became a desirable M&A target by implementing scalable processes in purchasing, production, and warehousing. Transformed Engineering from two design teams to one collaborative global team. Improved OTD thought COVID by implementing aggressive purchasing and sourcing practices, preserving cash-flow through crisis times. Consolidated our PCBA supply-base using local EU partners which reduced costs and lessened our dependence on Asia-based uneven PCBA manufacturers. Transitioned from purchase-to-order approach to a purchase-to-plan system to leverage volume discounts and mitigate supply chain delays. Reduced the size of inventory on hand by 20% creating efficiencies and reducing confusion. Implemented warehouse binning system to further increase efficiencies in kitting and material movement. Headed manufacturing operations and design engineering in RI & Netherlands. Managed factory moves in both US & NL.

Resolved a years-long recurring product defect with PCB quality having to do with immersion gold thickness.

Electronics contract manufacturer trying to scale up production

Recruited by owner to scale up production and improve customer retention. Developed operational excellence program, introducing scalable process methods, and automation. Instituted a company-wide structured problem-solving process, eliminating defects, increasing efficiency and enabling scale-up. Developed multi-facility Lean Manufacturing organization for Medical Assemblies, Subsea Batteries, Refrigeration Fans, Cables & Harnesses, RF, Communications and User Interface Products.
Crafted a near-flawless manual assembly process for the configure-to-order fan and motors product line. Created the phase-gate New Product Introduction process, ensuring on-time product release. Headed manufacturing operations and design engineering in MA & FL

Participated in the business integration of four different acquisition targets.

Cash transaction equipment manufacturer

Developed the phase-gate product development process, defining department roles and shortening the product development cycle by 6 months. Developed a formal quality management system to reduce defects and solve customer quality concerns. Created the Design Validation process to decrease early-life product failures. Set up the technical aspects of the global supply chain - evaluating and developing the Philippine & Taiwan supply-base for raw materials and outsource manufacturing.

Saved strained relationship with large customer (cell phone carrier), preserving $6M in annual high-margin revenue.

Mobile Printer Manufacturer

As a recently acquired factory, we needed to integrate into the corporate system of processes and get our products and services to match corporate quality standards. Structured all processes and policies to ensure that we present “one face to the customer”. Increased production quality from 90% to 99% first pass yield. Increased vendor incoming parts quality from 78% to 95% yield. Served as lead technical and quality liaison to key customers like Walmart & TJ Max. Reduced RMA volume by 50% on products used in a rugged environment. Implemented single piece flow to achieve 50% reduction in touch labor and increase throughput. Developed a phase-gate product development process, shortening the product development cycle by 30%. Created the deign validation lab - eliminate early-life product failures.

Solved a long-standing and pervasive product quality problem on markdown terminals for large ($12M/year) customer.

Industrial printer manufacturer

Automated production final test, removing labor from the process, improving outgoing quality levels, and increasing production throughput. Created the supplier development program to hold suppliers accountable for product quality. Developed production test metrics and defect analysis. Developed a formal ISO-9001 quality management system. Initiated company-wide problem-solving process to eliminate customer problems and increase operational efficiency. Acted as lead customer liaison for quality and technical issues. Implemented lean manufacturing to achieve one-day production turn time.

After six months in my role as Quality Director, largest customer stated, “Your quality problems are behind you.”

If we rely on reactive measures to solve our organization's performance problems, rather than use management tools to ensure performance excellence, we will underperform.

We must strategize and plan for our success.

“…clearly, one of the best hires in my career. He is a very professional and focused manager with enthusiastic influence for problem-solving, as well as, a tenacity for working across functional lines to move forward and past obstacles.
- Craig Marton

People work in the system. Management creates the system. - W Edwards Deming

Let me create a winning system for you.